Monday, March 30, 2009

I've recovered.

The shock of not graduating has passed. This is probably a good thing, because this means I won't be nearly as busy with these fluffy classes I'll be taking as opposed to real ones in grad school. Luckily I can take the Beatles class and force the lil' miss at work to assist me! She claims to be an expert. We'll be putting her to the test this summer. This will also give me more time to prepare for grad school. blech.

Onto brainstorming which easy upper division classes to enroll for...

Beatles. Check.
Bob Marley?
Sex and the City?

Ridiculous that these are the classes holding me back from graduating Spring 09.

No Obama for me!

There is a lot of potty mouthin' going on today. I think I'm going to have to take 15 more credits to graduate, meaning a whole semester! I have a new advisor and she is not as cooperative/trickster as my original. rrrgh. I had a feeling about this and I probably should have emailed that dang advisor last week, before paying the fee for graduation. rrrgh. Oh well. I'm off to think positive thoughts for the remainder of the day.


A full week?

I'm at work on a Monday! Yuck. I've become accustomed to having three day weekends. I feel like I'm a grown up or something, working 40 hours. Wah!!! I'll admit, this is gonna be tough. On the bright side, I might have time to find some useless information to post. hmmm.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Putting it on the Wish List

I think everyone should have one of these in their house. Right next to the bowling lane and air hockey table.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm pretty much a genius

I found out that my math skills are a little bit better than verbal. At least on the GRE. I guess the verbal provides too many options for thinking, hmm... well... if it's said this way.... Bah. Done.

The youngest twin learned something new the other night. He can now pull out the dresser drawers in order to climb to the top and tug the cord that turns on the bedroom light. Of course the dresser fell on top of him and he nearly snapped his neck on the nearby piece of furniture as he fell. There better not be any emergency room visits on my babysitting nights. That's a warning, to anyone. It'll have to be anyone out there, because I know their mom doesn't read this. Oh well, another empty threat. :)

I'm trying to think of anything else that has happened in the past month since I posted last... hmmm. well... nada!

Oh wait! We had Cake Day at work yesterday. Costco cake. mmmmmm. gooooooood. We were trying to come up with a reason to celebrate, but really we just wanted cake. Costco cake. With buttercream frosting and cream cheese filling. It was a successful day for us in the world of old, boring and cold books. We are going to have a Salad Party next, we have to balance out all these ridiculous calories we've been consuming.

(Don't worry... I saved all the leftover cake to give to the 'roommate' as an early birthday present. I know, pretty thoughtful of me!)