Friday, May 22, 2009

Where did these clouds come from??

Somehow I have ticked off the weather master. It has been cloudy and humid with an occasional sprinkling of rain. Where is my 100 degree sunshine? Rrrrgh. Hopefully things clear up by tomorrow. I have a 4 year old birthday/pool party to attend. It is time to work on the funky tan lines I have created in the last 2 months. Who knew tanning was so complicated...

The first day I spent by the pool I wore a longer pair of shorts and of course got a nice sunburn. That sunburn turned into a tan/splotchy looking disease. Nice.

Next time I burned my back in a zebra style pattern. I didn't have anyone around to rub lotion on it and figured it wouldn't be too bad. Well silly me, I had wiped my hands on my back like one would an apron, after I had lotioned up my arms and legs. So the zebra stripes were actually my finger smears. Another nice one.

Then I decided I better fix that disease/splotchy tan line above the knees. I wore the typical swimsuit and liberally applied the sunscreen, but still managed to burn around the bottom of the suit. I could handle the pain of the burn, but the itching and scratching that followed was inappropriate for work. Oh well.

Next... I know, there's more... it was finally warm enough to get in the water. I got out the comfy pool floaty/lounger and floated to dreamland. I even timed myself and flipped over halfway through the day. The problem with tanning in the water is that a certain level of your body becomes submerged. When you flip, a portion of your body is once again underwater. The parts of my legs that saw sun are a beautiful bronze, but I now have white racing stripes down the sides of my thighs. Beautiful.

Wait, one more. My swimsuit bottom has these little holes around the top where there was once a ribbon. Since it didn't match my tanktop, I removed it. Oopsies. Now I have a series of little tan polka dots around my belly and back. They go pretty well with the belly button though.

I'm hoping that if the sun decides to grace us with its presence this weekend, I can fix a few of these problems, at least the racing stripes. I'll get some good practice in with that side lying supermodel pose as I expose those stripes to the sun!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Living up to the stereotype!

When you see a crazy lady driving a car with the backseat full of canning jars and quilting frames... there's a pretty good chance she's mormon. Don't worry I have recently placed those items in the trunk!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What to do with myself?

The semester is over for me! aaaah. Time to pray for grade curves and extra points to be included. Gotta keep my stellar B average. I spent some time looking for WishList books today.

Cute, cute. I have started knitting again since I have a break from school. I love mini-breaks, that means time for silly novels and toy creation. I have become addicted to this Owl pattern I found on Etsy. Hope everyone is ready for their future gifts this year. bwah hah ha.

Since I understand that not everyone may be obsessed with this owl like I am, I will accept others inspiration as long as a pattern accompanies it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In honor of my momma..

I found you the perfect gift! I searched and searched for just the right thing. I think I've found it with this one. A fabulous breakfast followed by IKEA shopping. What more could you ask for? Of course, if you came to visit me like you were supposed to... well, you would probably get the same thing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Soon it'll be summer school.

One more day of this blasted semester. Actually that's a huge relief. All I have left is one easy, peasy (fingers crossed) test. Well... and I might have to resubmit a project pending the professor's remarks! :) At this point.. meh, not too worried about it. I just need a B, will settle for a C! ha ha. What an example I am for the cousins...

I think it's time for a nap.