Monday, August 31, 2009

I thought the night couldn't get any worse.

I always start the beginning of a semester with high hopes of not procrastinating, paying attention to deadlines, basically being an allstar student. That typically lasts a few weeks. Hah. I beat that 2 week record this time around. I was aware of the due date for my first assignment, but was so distracted by the rest of the syllabus I failed to notice the time. Noon. I won't even get into how ridiculous that is. Just know that it is RIDICULOUS!

So once I realized assignment 1 was a lost cause I decided that I might as well take advantage of the home waxing kit that was sitting in my cupboard. I know, I know, what was I thinking? You would think the lightening and thunder would have been warning enough. Oh no, now I remember why I miss working at the salon so much. Those ladies really knew how to take care of me. Waxing must be a work of art, that is passed down through some form of wizard training. I do NOT have the correct training. I did one strip and fell to the floor. Honest to goodness dropped to my knees in pain and tears. BIG ALLIGATOR TEARS. Don't worry, the wax kit will not beat me. I will be triumphant tomorrow night after I've recovered and created a game plan. My game plan will most likely include brownies and ice cream as my reward for a job well done.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

This means I have to wake up in time to do my hair and makeup...blech.

The nature of library work has changed for me this past week. As in, I have had to work in the actual library. This is quite a change, since normally I am in a cold, square, boring building. I can't hate on the cold building since it has some obvious perks, but it has been pretty nice talking to people lately.

I only have to work in the library two days a week and I spend the rest of my time in the cold building. My first day was spent at a 'welcome table' helping direct lost students in the right direction. Since I don't know where anything is on campus, I was useless. I am only ever in the cold building or at Target. How would I know where classes are? hmm. Thanks to the excessive use of DaytimeTheraflu I was pretty talkative and friendly, so I at least made lots of friends even if they never figured out where they were going. I did hand out lots of free pens though. I feel like that was a job well done.

My second day was spent at the circulation desk. Another place I prove to be completely useless. It's always impressive when people come up to ask a question and I just provide 'uhhhh, what?' in response. I'm working on keeping that initial response to myself and at least coming up with something a lil' more appropriate. We'll see how I improve for next week. At least I'll be able to add this experience to my list of neverending adventures.

Friday, August 21, 2009

For those who don't know who the boys are...

Here ya go Stacey...

The adventures are starting to pile up over here.

The main thing that initiated this week of adventure was that I will be working in an actual library, not just a boring, locked building when school starts next week. It will only be a few hours a week and I will still return to the boring, locked building near the end of the day. This could be exciting. I will be exposed to the public and it's always questionable how they will react to my charming personality. Fingers crossed that I will maintain good behavior.

In preparation for the weekly 10 hours of excitement that starts next week I had to undergo 3 days of intense Circulation training at the 'main' library. Very important training is done over there. I learned how to use a computer, keyboard, mouse, scangun, the precise location of where the barcode should be placed, how to deal with crazy people (this one is pretty easy for me... me and the crazy people tend to get along just fine), I observed the strange love that men have for William Shatner and the equally important Zombie topic. Oh my gosh, zombies and male library employees. I don't know what it is, but I have never been in as many zombie discussions in relation to real life scenarios as I have working for the library. My mind gets so frazzled that eventually I tune out and sadly I didn't absorb any of my zombie training. Sorry.

The exciting part of the training was the three student workers who were training with me. They looked like the Jonas Brothers, in all ways possible. It was pretty creepy and it made me feel very old. I'm glad to be done with them for good.

In celebration of the end of summer/fall semester starting and the sad farewell of our summer helpers we went to lunch at Chino Bandido. This place is something special. I have included the link so you can see what fantastic dining options this establishment provides. I would recommend you start planning any orders you might be making for future visits to Arizona. Well worth the trip. It's not everyday you get to combine quality chinese and mexican flavors and they do it well. WARNING: the options can be quite overwhelming.

Ok, so there weren't really that many adventures this week, but school starts monday and I'm sure that'll throw a few my way. Fingers crossed this will really be the last semester as an undergrad. If not, well then I quit. I will continue to work in this boring, locked building forever or at least until all library employees turn into zombies.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I had no idea about your Canadian 'issues'

I'm not going to name who this crazy person may be, but they're racist against Canadians. This kinda blows my mind, since I can't think of any reason to be anti-Canadian. When I think of Canada, nothing in particular comes to mind. Just that 'eh' thing everyone refers to. Even Mike Meyers said, "Canada is the essence of not being. Not English, not American, it is the mathematic of not being. And a subtle flavour - we're more like celery as a flavour." So what's there to hate?

I found this list of comedians from Canada that includes Dan Aykroyd, Tom Green, Mike Myers, Norm Macdonald, Jim Carrey, Eugene Levy, Rick Moranis, John Candy, Howie Mandel, Martin Short and Leslie Nielsen. I think this crazy person also dislikes all of these comedians. It might be coincidence, or did the crazy know where they came from and hate them because of that.

I just don't know about this situation and I'm not convinced to join the 'hate Canadians' bandwagon just yet. Unless the crazy person can prove otherwise.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Potential roadkill

The ex-sister in law and her 2 year old wanted to go on a bike ride last night. I was up for it, especially since I would be riding the cutesy retro style bicycle. Off we ride into the sunset, the weather having cooled down to at least 95 at 7:30pm. We quickly became bored with going around circles in the neighborhood and went off-roading. We found a dirt road that we knew would meet with the main road eventually. Well... of course we got lost. I thought we could sneak through another subdivision. OF COURSE NOT. I swear subdivisions are designed with segregation in mind. You wouldn't want to get too close to the neighbors from over there... bah.

By the time we find the main road the sun had completely gone down. This road is quite busy and still in need of a few upgrades, like sidewalks. We were trying to muster all our teenage bike riding skills of the past as we rode through gravel and dirt in the dark, while avoiding traffic. Don't forget... we did have a baby with us! Smart lil' girls we are. We finally found sidewalk, whew and as we get closer to the 'home' subdivision the sidewalk ends again. In an effort to beautify the development they had decorated with 'southwest' colored gravel. Come on. How are people supposed to navigate this type of terrain. We were a mess trying to pedal through what felt like beach sand in the dark.

This story has gone on long enough. We were blessed to make it home safe and sound and will not make the same mistake next time. From now on, we're biking like hamsters on a wheel... circles only.